Saleem N. Bhatti is a Professor at the School of Computer Science, University of St Andrews. His research interests are in the general area of computer communication systems, and he is a member of the Systems Research Group (SRG). He has been involved in collaborative research since 1991, and has experience of working with network operators, equipment manufacturers, research institutions, and academic institutions from all over Europe. His work has covered topics such as networked and computer communication architecture, protocols and systems; privacy and security; energy efficiency in networked systems; multi-service networking; network and systems management; IPv6; mobile systems; network quality of service (QoS), tele-working and remote-working; multicast; and high-speed networking. He is also involved with industry in various consultancy roles in the area of networking technology and systems. Saleem holds a B.Eng.(Hons), in Electronic and Electrical Engineering, an M.Sc.(Distinction) in Data Communication Networks and Distributed Systems, and a Ph.D. in Computer Science, all from UCL. He is a Fellow of the RSA.
Current research interests
I am interested in the design, use and performance of computer communication systems, architectures, protocols and applications, including performance analysis. I have a preference for practical work, using test-beds - I like to build, test, and break things! At the moment, ILNP is an exciting area of work for me. I am interested in the Internet architecture and how it effects the interaction between the network, the application, and the user. Traditional networked applications have assumed that the network resources they need are always available. As the demand for network resources from applications increases, and the nature of the networks themselves changes (e.g. fixed networks vs. mobile networks), the applications must become (a) generally aware of their own connectivity and (b) sensitive to the demand for the limited resources in the network. This is especially true for applications with multiple connectivity, including mobile applications and systems.
Networked and computer communication systems, architectures, protocols and applications; Internet architecture; Mobile and wireless systems; Energy in computer systems; Mobile health (mHealth); Privacy and security in networked systems; Communications systems for development; Performance analysis; Testbeds and empirical/data-driven research; Network control plane; Network management & resource management; Resource limited environments and systems; QoS (Quality of Service) adaptability & network QoS; High-speed networking.
I am Director of the EngD in Computer Science.
Current research activities can be found here.
A list of publications can be found here.
On the subject of Quality of Service, I was in charge of the design and development of the NRS software.
I consider consulting an important part of my work, and a chance to work with industry outside the context of research collaborations. Working in a very practical and fast moving area, I am involved in various freelance consultancy, including bespoke consultancy and training related to my research interests (see above), and also in the general areas of network technology and computer communications.
Research Duties
- SICSA-NGI Theme Leader.
- SICSA-CyberSecurity Theme Leader.
- CPHC / BCS Distinguished Dissertations Judges Panel.
- PI & Director, National e-Science Centre of Excellence in Networked Systems, UCL (now spawned into NetSys and Research Computing).
Conferences and Workshops
- MILCOM2019 - IEEE Military Communications Conference, also 2018, 2017, 2016, 2014.
- COMPASS2018 - ACM SIGCAS Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies.
- DamNet2019 - 9th IEEE ICDM Workshop on Data Mining in Networks, also 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013.
- Global Access to the Internet for All (GAIA) workshop at SIGMCOMM 2016.
- WONS2016 - 12th Wireless On-demand Network systems and Services Conference.
- HPCC2014 - 16th IEEE High Performance Computing and Communications Conference.
- CFI2014 - 8th International Conference on Future Internet Technologies, Technical Programme Committee, also 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009.
- PIMRC2013 - 24th Annual IEEE Internaional Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Reviewer.
- GI2013 - 16th IEEE Global Internet Symposium, Technical Programme Committee, also GI2012, GI2011, GI2010.
- DANMS2011 - IEEE International Workshop on Distributed Autonomous Network Management Systems, Technical Programme Committee, also DANMS2008.
- CBSEC2011 - Brazilian Conference on Critical Embedded Systems.
- SAN2010 - Self-Adaptive Networking Workshop, Technical Programme Committee.
- ATNAC2010 - Australasian Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference, Technical Programme Committee.
- ICNP2010 - 18th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols, Technical Programme Committee, also ICNP2009.
- INFOCOM2009 - 28th IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, Technical Programme Committee
- VoCS - BCS International Academic Conference, 2008 - Visions of Computer Science, Reviewer.
- PAWN2008 - ACM/IET/ICST International Workshop on Performance and Analysis of Wireless Networks, Technical Programme Committee.
- BROADNETS2008 - ICST 5th International Conference on Broadband Communication, Networks and Systems, Technical Programme Committee.
- ICC2007 - IEEE Workshop on GMPLS Performance Evaluation, Technical Programme Committee.
- IPOM2006 - 6th IEEE International Workshop on IP Operations & Management, Technical Programme Committee.
- LCS2006 Technical Committee, also 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002.
- PFDLnet2003 - 1st International Workshop on Protocols for Fast Long-Distance Networks, Programme Committee.
- NGC2001 - 3rd International Workshop on Networked Group Communication, Local Arrangements Chair.
- IWQoS'99 - 7th IEEE International Workshop on Quality of Service, Programme co-Chair and Local Arrangements Chair.
- ACM CCR - ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review.
- ACM TAAS - ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems.
- IEE Electronic Letters.
- IP-COM - IEE Proceedings - Communications.
- IEEE Communications, including a special issue on Wireless Technologies for Development (W4D) in 2016.
- IEEE Internet Computing.
- IEEE JSAC - IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communication.
- IEEE Network.
- IEEE TSMC - IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics.
- IEEE TPDS - IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems.
- IEEE TWC - IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
- IJHPCA - International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications.
- JNW - Journal of Networks.
- Journal of Grid Computing - Guest Editor for Special Issue on High Performance Networking.
- Multimedia Systems.
- Telecommunication Systems.