An algorithm to predict the age at which premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) may develop after an estimated dose of radiation to the ovary
Methodology: charts for
the age-related decline in ovarian reserve and
the radiotherapy dose-response curves based on an LD
50 of 2 Gray (Gy) for the human oocyte
Disclaimer: This tool does not take the effects of gonadotoxic treatment other than radiotherapy into account. Please consider any additional risk due to (for example) alkylating agent chemotherapy when counselling patients. The LD
50 used is 2.0 Gy, which is more damaging than the 4.0 Gy reported in earlier studies; neither estimate has been extensively validated. The prediction tool is not to be used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment of any health condition or problem. Users of the prediction tool should not rely on information provided by the prediction tool for their own health problems. Questions should be addressed to your own physician or other healthcare provider. Use of the prediction tool does not create an express or implied physician-patient relationship
Privacy statement: these pages do not record user information, any values entered or any predictions made. No cookies are set by this website, and hence no user details of any type are collected
User guide:
- replace the default values in the form below using one decimal place for numeric input
- enter the min, mean, and max dose for the ovary receiving the lower dose
- for proton therapy, the unit of the radiation dose is Gy (RBE) or Cobalt Gray Equivalent (CGE)
- if entered, the diagnosis will be added to the chart subtitle for descriptive purposes - the model does not incorporate specific diagnoses
- click the calculate button
- this will generate a labelled chart that can be saved in a choice of formats using the menu icon at the top right of the chart
- use the reset button to return to the default entries
- an indicative threshold of 30 years is added to the chart, since reproductive potential is diminished in the 10 years before menopause
Last Updated:
Saturday, January 11, 2025